Aquaponic Lynx LLC Farm Products March 21

Aloe Vera Leaf, Large Grower: Aquaponic Lynx LLC Price: $3.00(Large Leaf) Available (Exact): 5 Description: Large leaf from mature Aloe Vera plants. Gel from the leaves can be applied to skin and burns to facilitate healing. The gel can also be juiced or used in health drinks. Aquaponically grown which means . . . → Read More: Aquaponic Lynx LLC Farm Products March 21

Yalaha Local Produce Week of March 21-26, 2016


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Aloe Vera Leaf, Large Grower: Aquaponic Lynx LLC Price: $3.00(Large Leaf) Available (Exact): 5 Description: Large leaf from mature Aloe Vera plants. Gel from the leaves can be applied to skin and burns to facilitate healing. The gel can also be juiced or used . . . → Read More: Yalaha Local Produce Week of March 21-26, 2016

Dwarf Pomegranate-Golden Gate Seed Co.

Dwarf Pomegranate

Dwarf Pomegranate

Dwarf Pomegranate

The Dwarf pomegranate makes a great bonsai or shrub for your flower pot or garden. Starts blooming around 1′ tall. Grows to 5′ tall. Its very delightful to have in the home or garden. Fruit is a red salmon like color. Likes full sun. To grow plant the seeds . . . → Read More: Dwarf Pomegranate-Golden Gate Seed Co.

Goji Berry-Golden Gate Seed Co.

Goji Berry

Goji Berry

Goji Berry

Rated #1 on the ORAC scale (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), which means the antioxidant level in foods. This means pure and unadulterated Goji Berry juice is a proven and powerful anti-oxidant full of bioflavonoids, scientifically proven to be very beneficial to human health. To grow sow seeds in a . . . → Read More: Goji Berry-Golden Gate Seed Co.

Hawaii Kahili Ginger-Golden Gate Seed Co.

Hawaii Kahili Ginger

Hawaii Kahili Ginger

Hawaii Kahili Ginger

Aloha! Welcome to Hawaii! The Kahill ginger is found mostly on the Hilo side of the Big Island of Hawaii. The Big Islando has many different species of beautiful gingers. The Kahill ginger has a wonderful strong fragrance. Its very hardy and will make a great addition . . . → Read More: Hawaii Kahili Ginger-Golden Gate Seed Co.

Hawaii Passion Fruit-Golden Gate Seed Co.

Hawaii Passion Fruit

Hawaii Passion Fruit

Hawaii Passion Fruit

Aloha! Welcome to the beautiful Isalnds of Hawaii. The Hawaiian Passion Fruit is very delicious, makes a wonderful juice drink and also great in pastries such as cakes. Loaded with Vitamin C and other vitamins making the Passion Fruit very healthy to drink. It also blooms a . . . → Read More: Hawaii Passion Fruit-Golden Gate Seed Co.

Japanese Bonsai Black Pine-Golden Gate Seed Co.

Japanese Bonsai Black Pine

Japanese Bonsai Black Pine

Japanese Bonsai Black Pine

Konnichiwa! Ogenki desuka? Which means good afternoon! How are you ? In Japanese. The Japanese Black Pine Tree is a beautiful evergreen that flourished in Japan. Known as Kuromatsu in Japan. It is used in Japanese gardens all over Japan.Very popular for Bonsai! This . . . → Read More: Japanese Bonsai Black Pine-Golden Gate Seed Co.

Japanese Bonsai Maple Tree-Golden Gate Seed Co.

Japanese Bonsai Maple Tree

Japanese Bonsai Maple Tree

Japanese Bonsai Maple Tree

Konnichiwa! Ogenki desuka? Which means Good Afternoon! How are you? In Japanese. Maple Tree makes a wonderful Bonsai. The beautiful leaves turn a very lovely shade of red in the fall. Very easy to grow. Please remove the wing. Plant seeds in a good quality . . . → Read More: Japanese Bonsai Maple Tree-Golden Gate Seed Co.

Japanese Bonsai Red Pine-Golden Gate Seed Co.

Japanese Bonsai Red Pine

Japanese Bonsai Red Pine

Japanese Bonsai Red Pine

Konnichiwa! Ogenki desuka? Which means good afternoon! How are you? In Japanese. The Japanese Red Pine Tree is a beautiful evergreen that flourished in Japan. Know as Akamatsu in Japan it is used in Japanese gardens all over Japan. Very popular for Bonsai! This is . . . → Read More: Japanese Bonsai Red Pine-Golden Gate Seed Co.

Mimosa-Golden Gate Seed Co.




Mimosa Sensitive Plant. Responds to touch! Mimosa comes alive when you touch it. The leaves fold up instantly when touched and also blooms a lovely flower. Its great for kids. Very easy to grow. Just sow seeds in a good potting soil 1/8 inch deep. Keep warm and moist in a . . . → Read More: Mimosa-Golden Gate Seed Co.