How it all Started 4, expansion, Waterfall

Well the Big Aquaponics System design could not stay the same for long. Time for an expansion with a waterfall tank. The other half picked up this rectangular Galvanized tank at the flea market. I’ll have to line it since galvanized metal is not safe for fish but I can manage that.


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How it all started 3 First fatality

When doing Aquaponics, everyone must occasionally kill a fish.

My first fish Fatality. The smallest little catfish got sucked up against the pump intake.

First fish Fatality due to pump

I had a mesh bag around the suction bottom drain but it was tipped slightly up at and angle enough that the small . . . → Read More: How it all started 3 First fatality

How it all Started, Finish Initial Build and get fish.

For my second installment of How it all Started, I will take a little step back and show off gravel washing and getting the grow beds up online.

The previous blog post left off with a picture of the system basically up and running with a fish tank, 4 grow beds and a shade structure.

. . . → Read More: How it all Started, Finish Initial Build and get fish.

TCLynx’s Big Aquaponics System how it all started

This is to be the first in a series of posts about the early stages and progression of My Big Aquaponics System. This system has grown/changed much over the years and my mistakes with it have taught me so much.

Barrel Ponics System

I discovered Aquaponics back in late 2007, I had heard . . . → Read More: TCLynx’s Big Aquaponics System how it all started