To the Sandy Survivors

My heart goes out to all those who now have to recover from Sandy.

Our summer family reunions when I was a child took place on the South Jersey Shore.

And it still isn’t over, Hang in there everyone, stay warm stay safe.

Non Recirculating Test

In a discussion on one of the forums some one posted this link. Non-circulating Hydroponic Methods for Growing lettuce.pdf

Which got me to thinking. I have a quarantine system that when I have new fish that are being fed high protein feed, I’m getting rather high nitrate levels but that system isn’t really set up . . . → Read More: Non Recirculating Test

If I wrote a book?

Who would want it?

What if it was just a compilation of what I’ve been saying for the past 5 years plus what I’ve been learning lately packaged into a single document?

I’ve been teaching Aquaponic Plumbing and basic system design/layout for a few years now and I’ve been writing blog posts and answering questions . . . → Read More: If I wrote a book?

Who wants diversion valves?

I’m working on a package that would include a diversion valve with the motorized actuator and a timer/controller for it. This complete kit will probably run about $300.

Diversion valve

Diversion valve for towers

The Valves and actuators can be found through pool supply companies. I will be offering the valve/actuator . . . → Read More: Who wants diversion valves?

Mid October 2012 update

So far most people who have answered the Tour day survey have voted for Sunday for aquaponic farm tour days. So, starting this Sunday October 21 2012 The farm tour and Farm sales day will be Sunday and time will be 3 pm if you want the tour. If you want to come buy available . . . → Read More: Mid October 2012 update

Cycling and water chemistry issues

There really isn’t much difference in cycle time between methods (and the ways to “speed up cycling” really don’t do all that much to speed it up either, I guess people just like to feel they are doing something pro-active and that is a big part of the problem.) It’s the stress involved when people . . . → Read More: Cycling and water chemistry issues